2011년 11월 4일 금요일

How to Buy a Used Car

 These days many people buy not only new fancy cars but also used cars. It's really important to buy a good quality used car if you want to drive one similar to a new car. If you follow these steps, you can buy a nice used car. First, question the people who have been driving car brand you like for a long time. Ask them what should you check. Second, find a mall online which sells cars at the cheapest prices and has many sorts of cars. Then make a list and save it so that you can bring that list when you buy a used car offline. Finally, choose the best one which is identical to your points. Many people want to buy a nice used car at the best price. It is worthwhile to check this list when you buy a used car.

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  1. Ahyeon,
    This is a beautiful blog and you have written and published five good posts. Well done!

    There are, however, some errors. You do need to read ALL your posts again, very carefully. Please check every word and every letter - especially for capital letters - and for spacing between words, and all other things we need to check for. Your blog writing should only be your very best work, for all the world to see and read and enjoy.

    See you in class!
